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Mikael's Blog

Computer Love

My relationship with computers began at a time when normal people didn't even know of their existence. During the sixties, my father was one of the first computer center managers in Germany. I spent many of my weekends between huge computer racks, punch cards and piles of printed program listings and with childish enthusiasm I was helping the programmers to find the bug that was causing this working weekend for everybody. And I just had fun (by the way, my father too).

So from the very beginning, computers used to be a play for me, an adventure - an exciting and fulfilling learning experience, and this is what they are for me until today. I still keep learning with joy, not only about the technical side of things, but also in regards to the needs and specific problems my customers have with computers and software.

Understanding computers on the one hand, yet on the other hand also understanding those humans who want, or have to, cope with them - this ability is what enables me to grasp the true cause of problems, to solve them, and to develop solutions, programs or websites which truly fit what's needed.

For most humans, computers and software are either a constant annoyance, or at least a never-ending source of irritation one just has to cope with one way or another. Not for me. As strange as it may sound: Not only do I understand those humans sitting in front of computers, I also understand computers themselves - and they know it. Countless times did I experience cases where computers or software started functioning again as soon as I was taking on the case, with empathy and patience. Magic? Not at all.

Every carpenter knows it: the hidden beauty of a piece of wood in his hands will begin to evolve only when he not just works with it, but when he does so with love. Most people would agree that wood is something alive. But software is alive as well, and so are computers. Hidden in them is the energy of those humans who built them. And this energy is alive, it reacts, cooperates or resists. I do not know how I aquired this inner relationships with computers, but I just understand them. May be this is the reason why they love me.